The Internet Wrestling Database

Balls Mahoney

Profile & Match ListingFacts & StatsPWI RatingsOpponents & PartnersWin/Loss RecordStar RatingsWin TypesRelationsPPV
Balls Mahoney
Name: Jonathan Rechner Preferred Name: Balls Mahoney
Date Of Birth: Apr 11th 1972Place of Birth: United States Spring Lake, New Jersey, United States
Nationality: USAGender: Male
Matches: 648 (28 Pay Per View)
Date Of Death: Apr 12th 2016Cause of Death: heart disease
Place of Death: United States Spring Lake, New Jersey, United States 
Ring Name(s): Abbudah Singh, Abudda Dein, Balls Mahoney, Boo Bradley, John Rechner, John Richner,
Kahoneys, Mahoney, Xanta Klaus

starBalls Mahoney

Year Search: All199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015
Matches Shown: 1 to 10 of 10 (firstprevnextlast) ... Results per page: 102550100250All ... Sort: newest firstoldest first ... Title Matches: Click to View
card/ datematchmatch typetitle(s)
United States SMW TV Taping (March '95 #1)
Mar 6th 1995
Boo Bradleydef. (DQ)Killer KyleSMW "Beat the Champ" Television Title
United States SMW TV Taping (March '95 #2)
Mar 6th 1995
Killer Kyledef. (pin)Boo BradleySMW "Beat the Champ" Television Title
(title change)
United States SMW TV Taping (February '95 #1)
Feb 6th 1995
Boo Bradleydef. (pin)The WolfmanSMW "Beat the Champ" Television Title
(title change)
United States SMW TV Taping (February '95 #3)
Feb 6th 1995
Billy Blackdef. (pin)Boo Bradley (c)SMW "Beat the Champ" Television Title
(title change)
United States SMW TV Taping (February '95 #2)
Feb 6th 1995
Boo Bradley (c)def. (pin)Inferno FireSMW "Beat the Champ" Television Title
United States SMW TV Taping (October '94 #1)
Oct 3rd 1994
Scott Studddef. (pin)Boo Bradley (c)SMW "Beat the Champ" Television Title
(title change)
United States SMW TV Taping (September '94 #4)
Sep 5th 1994
Boo Bradley (c)def. (pin)Mike MaraldoSMW "Beat the Champ" Television Title
United States SMW TV Taping (September '94 #2)
Sep 5th 1994
Boo Bradleydef. (pin)Lance Storm (c)SMW "Beat the Champ" Television Title
United States SMW TV Taping (September '94 #3)
Sep 5th 1994
Boo Bradley (c)def. (pin)Brian LeeSMW "Beat the Champ" Television Title
United States SMW TV Taping (August '94 #4)
Aug 8th 1994
Lance Storm (c)def. (DQ)Boo BradleySMW "Beat the Champ" Television Title

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