The Internet Wrestling Database

John Morrison

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John Morrison
Name: John Randall Hennigan Preferred Name: John Morrison
Date Of Birth: Oct 3rd 1979Place of Birth: United States Los Angeles, California, United States
Nationality: USAGender: Male
Matches: 1,026 (108 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Boone the Bounty Hunter, John Hennigan, John Morrison, Johnny Battleground, Johnny Blackcraft, Johnny Blaze,
Johnny Bloodsport, Johnny Caballero, Johnny Cruise, Johnny Defyance, Johnny Downunder, Johnny Dreamwave,
Johnny Early Morning, Johnny Elite, Johnny Fusion, Johnny Game Changer, Johnny Glory, Johnny Hardy,
Johnny Impact, Johnny Mundo, Johnny Nitro, Johnny Penis, Johnny Progress, Johnny Revolver,
Johnny Showcase, Johnny Spade, Johnny Superstar, Johnny TV, Johnny Ultra, Johnny Warrior,
Johnny WrestleCade, Johnny WrestleCon

starJohn Morrison

Promotion Search: All1PW2CW5 StarAAAAAA/MLWAAWAEWAlpha-1APWAro LuchaBar WrestlingBattleground Championship WrestlingBCW/ImpactBlackcraftBlackcraft/DWWBTW (Cali)/ImpactDEFYDragon Gate USADREAMWAVEDWWExpo LuchaFCWFWEGCWGFWGlory ProHOGHouse of HardcoreHouse of Hardcore/ImpactImpact WrestlingImpact/HOGImpact/OVWImpact/PPWImpact/Rockstar ProImpact/SMASHImpact/TNTImpact/WrestleProJCWJericho CruiseJericho Cruise/ROHLucha UndergroundMLWN/ANEWNHWOVWPCWPCW ULTRAPROGRESSPWGPWSQPWRepublic of LuchaRevProRey Mysterio PresentsROHRPWThe CrashVPWWarrior WrestlingWCPWWrestleCadeWrestleCircusWrestleCircus/Wrestling RevolverWrestleConWrestleProWrestling RevolverWSWWWCWWEWWFXwXw
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United States PCW ULTRA Refuse to Lose
Dec 1st 2017
Penta el Zero Mdef. John Hennigan (c)PCW ULTRA Heavyweight Title
(title change)

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