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Cards - Wrestling Events/Shows
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1PW 2AW/BJW/DDT 2AW/BJW/ZERO-1 2CW 3PW 4FW/Michinoku Pro 5 Star 666/BASARA AAA AAA/AULL AAA/Big Lucha AAA/CMLL AAA/DTU AAA/Impact AAA/IWRG AAA/KAOZ AAA/LLE AAA/MLW AAA/PDM AAA/UWA AAPW AAW AAW/Fight Club Pro/Wrestling Revolver ACTION ACTION/IWTV ACTION/SUP ACW/WWN AEW AEW/Jericho Cruise AEW/NJPW AEW/ROH AIW AIW/Hybrid AJPW AJPW/BJW AJPW/BJW/DDT/K-DOJO/W-1 AJPW/Dragon Gate AJPW/Land's AJPW/NJPW AJPW/NJPW/NOAH AJPW/NOSAWA AJW All Wheels Wrestling Alpha-1 AML/CYN Apache Pro/DDT/FREEDOMS APC APC/wXw APW APW/PWR Aro Lucha Atomic Wrestling AULL/DTU AULL/Luchas 2000 AWA AWE AWF/WSW AWR Bar Wrestling Battle Slam Battleground Championship Wrestling BBWF BCW/Impact Being the Elite Beyond Beyond/CZW/PCW/wXw Beyond/GPW Beyond/HOG Beyond/PWI Beyond/SLA Beyond/WSU Beyond/WWR Bikkuri Pro BJW BJW/CZW BJW/CZW/wXw BJW/DDT BJW/DDT/K-DOJO BJW/El Dorado Pro-Wresting BJW/NTW/PUZZLE BJW/RDPW Black Label Pro Black Label Pro/GCW Blackcraft Blackcraft/DWW Blitzkrieg! Pro Blitzkrieg! Pro/BTW Blitzkrieg! Pro/Limitless BML BodyZoi BRCW BTW BTW (Cali) BTW (Cali)/Impact Burning Heart BZW BZW/GCW BZW/Rixe Catch BZW/TNT Camp Leapfrog Camp Leapfrog/GCW CAP Capital City Championship Combat Catch Wrestling ChickFight CHIKARA CHIKARA/Beyond CHIKARA/BJW CHIKARA/FCP CHIKARA/IPW Chilanga Mask Circle 6 Circle 6/NFC CMLL CMLL/Big Lucha CMLL/LEGEND/UWE CMLL/Lucha Libre Real CMLL/NJPW CMLL/RevPro CWA CWA Nigeria CWE CWF CYN CZW CZW/DG USA CZW/Freelance CZW/IPW:UK CZW/IWS CZW/Pro Championship Wrestling CZW/PWG CZW/PWH CZW/TCW CZW/wXw Daikaiju Pro Dark Arts Gym DCW DDT DDT/GLEAT DDT/NOAH/TJPW DDT/Sendai Girls Defiant DEFY DEFY/DDT DEFY/DDT/TJPW DEFY/ECCW DEFY/PCW ULTRA/PROGRESS DEFY/PROGRESS Demand Lucha/HOG Dojo Pro DPW DPW/Gatoh Move Dragon Gate Dragon Gate UK Dragon Gate USA Dragon Gate/DDT Dragon Gate/DG UK Dragon Gate/Osaka Pro Dragon Gate/PWU Dragon Gate/ROR Dragon Gate/Tokyo Gurentai Dragon Gate/wXw DREAMWAVE DSW DTU DTU/CZW DTU/NGX DWE DWW DWW/FCP DWW/GFW DWW/OVW Dynamo Pro/Glory Pro ECW ECW/IWA Japan ECWA EMLL ETU/Dragon Gate Evolucion/Chilanga Mask EVOLVE EVOLVE/NYWC EWF EWF/UPW Expo Lucha Extreme Rising F1/wXw F1RST F1RST/Wrestlicious FCP FCP/Sendai Girls FCP/The Crash FCP/WWW FCW FIP FMW FMW-E FMW-E/H2O FMW/ECW FMW/Michinoku Pro FREEDOMS FREEDOMS/GCW FREEDOMS/RDPW Freelance Underground Freelance Underground/GCW Freelance Wrestling Freelance Wrestling/Freelance Underground Freelance Wrestling/GCW Freelance Wrestling/RPW FSW/GCW FSW/HOG FSW/Wrestling Revolver FULL FWA FWE FWF GAEA Garden State PW GCW GCW/DDT GCW/DTU GCW/FIST GCW/Horror Slam GCW/Hybrid GCW/IWS GCW/JCW (NJ) GCW/Loko GCW/New South GCW/NGX GCW/No Peace Underground GCW/ROW GCW/SFP GCW/TNT GCW/Tokyo Joshi Pro GCW/Unsanctioned Pro GCW/VXS GCW/Zona 23 GFW GFW/AML GFW/GWX GFW/MCW GFW/MXPW GFW/NOVA GFW/PCW GFW/PPW GFW/PWS GFW/TNT GFW/WrestlePro GLCW GLCW/ACW GLCW/BTW GLCW/CYN GLCW/Frontline Pro/POWW GLCW/ICW/NWA Wisconsin GLCW/MIAW GLCW/OVW GLCW/RPW GLEAT/AJPW Global Wrestling Federation Glory Pro Glory Pro/Pro Wrestling Resurgence GrappleMAX/STARDOM GRPW GWF/RevPro H2O/Sean Henderson Presents Hardcore Homecoming Heroes & Legends Heroes Of Lucha Libre Heroes Of Wrestling HOG HOG/FTW HOG/SCW HOG/Wrestling Revolver House of Hardcore House of Hardcore/Impact Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling Hulkamania HUSTLE HWA HWA/ISPW Hybrid i-Generation ICW No Holds Barred ICW No Holds Barred/DMDU ICW No Holds Barred/Horror Slam IGF IGF/DREAM IGF/K-1 Impact Wrestling Impact/AAA/LLE Impact/DWW Impact/HOG Impact/IWR Impact/Lucha Underground Impact/NJPW Impact/OPW Impact/OVW Impact/PPW Impact/Rockstar Pro Impact/ROW Impact/SMASH Impact/TNT Impact/WrestlePro Impact/Wrestling Revolver Impact/Xcite Independent Wrestling Expo Indypendence Day IWA Japan IWA-MS IWA-MS/BBW IWA-MS/EPW IWA-MS/EVO Pro IWA-MS/GPW IWA-MS/IWA Texas/ACW IWA-MS/NWA No Limits IWA-MS/NWA Wildside IWA-MS/PWT IWC IWC/NEW IWF IWTV JAPW JAPW/ROH JCW JCW (NJ) JCW/PWASD JCW/PWU JD Star Jericho Cruise Jericho Cruise/ROH Jim Crockett Promotions JTO JWP JWP/Osaka Pro Kaiju Big Battel KCW King of Indies KPW Labor of Love/LVAC Labor Of Love/SHP Ladies Night Out Legends of Wrestling Limitless LL USA LLE LPWA Lucha Underground LVAC LVAC/Labor Of Love/SHP LVAC/Smash Master Wrasslin' MACW MACW/NWA Marigold Maximum Wrestling McAloon Productions MCW (Maryland) MCW (Memphis) MFPW Michinoku Pro Michinoku Pro/PWFG Mid-Atlantic Wrestling MLP MLW MLW (Canada) MLW/The Crash Motoko Baba MXW Mystery Wrestling N/A Nacion Lucha Libre NEW New Evolution Wrestling NY NEW/IZW NEXT NGX NHW Nightmare Factory NJPW NJPW/AEW/CMLL/ROH NJPW/NOAH NJPW/RevPro NJPW/STARDOM NJPW/WAR No Peace Underground No Peace Underground/Circle 6 No Peace Underground/New Fear City No Peace Underground/Ruthless Pro/Circle 6 NOAH NOAH/AAA NOAH/DDT NOAH/Dragon Gate NOAH/KOPW NOAH/Tokyo Gurentai NWA NWA Amarillo NWA Exodus Pro NWA Mexico NWA Mid-America NWA TNA NWA Wildside NWA/AAA NWA/BRCW NWA/BTW (Dallas) NWA/UWF NWE NXT NXT UK OMEGA OMEGA/BTW OPW OTT OTT/MWF Oudou OVW OVW/GAW OVW/Round Peg Promotions OWE OWE/DOVE PCW PCW ULTRA PDM PDM/NGX PDM/XPW PMG Premier Streaming Network Prestige Prestige/TJPW Prestige/West Coast Pro Pro Wrestling Respect Pro Wrestling Superstars PROGRESS PROGRESS/APC PROGRESS/NOAH/DEFY PROGRESS/wXw PWA Black Label PWA Black Label/PROGRESS PWG PWG/wXw PWS QPW Queens of Combat Republic of Lucha Republic of Lucha/Lucha VaVoom RevPro Rey Mysterio Presents Ring Ka King RINGS RISE Rixe Rockstar Pro/Chilanga Mask ROH ROH/CMLL ROH/FWA ROH/MCW ROH/NJPW ROH/PCW RPW Sareee-ISM SEAdLINNNG Sendai Girls/STARDOM Sendai Girls/ZERO-1 SHIMMER SHINE SHP SHW/TCW Smash (Canada) Smash (Canada)/CHIKARA Smash (Canada)/CZW Smash (Canada)/Femme Fatales Smash (Canada)/FLQ Smash (Canada)/PROGRESS Smash (Canada)/RISE/SHIMMER Smash (Canada)/wXw SMASH (Japan) SMW SMW/NWA Southwest Sports STARDOM STARDOM/Tokyo Gurentai Sukeban SWS Talk N' Shop TCW Team Vader Tenryu Project TERMINUS The Crash The Crash/Revolucha Tmart Promotions TNA TNA/WRESTLE-1 TNT/BZW Tokyo Gurentai Tokyo Joshi Pro Toryumon Toryumon Mexico U-STYLE UJPW Upstate Pro Wrestling UPW UPW (ESP) UR Fight USWA UWA UWF UWF (Carolina) UWF (Carolina)/MCW UWF (Carolina)/TNA UWF (Herb Abrams) UWF (original) UWF-I/WAR UWN UWN/NWA UWW VPW VxS VxS/NPU WAR WAR/LLPW WAR/WWF Warrior Wrestling WCA WCCW WCPBTW WCPW WCW WCW/AAA WCW/NJPW WCWA West Coast Pro West Coast Pro/DPW/Prestige West Coast Pro/PWR West Coast Pro/UWN WildKat Sports WMF Women's Wrestling Army World of Sport World Wrestling Legends Wrestle Carnival Wrestle Gate WRESTLE-1 WRESTLE-1/ZERO-ONE WrestleCade WrestleCircus WrestleCircus/Wrestling Revolver WrestleCon Wrestlefanfest WrestlePro WrestlePro/CZW WrestleReunion WrestleRex Wrestling Is... Wrestling Retribution Project Wrestling Revolver Wrestling Revolver/Rockstar Pro WSU WSU/ACE/NYWC WSU/CZW WSU/NWS WSW WSX WWA WWC WWE WWF WWF/IWA Puerto Rico WWF/SWS WWF/SWS/EMLL/PWF WWF/USWA WWFX WWNLive WWR WWW WWWF WXO wXw wXw/BODYSLAM! wXw/CHIKARA wXw/GHW wXw/GWF wXw/NAWA wXw/NOAH wXw/NORTH Wrestling wXw/POW wXw/X-S:W XPW XPW/Loko XWF ZERO-ONE
only show Pay Per View cards
card name
May 5th 2002
WWF Live (Smackdown)
Worcester , Massachusetts
May 4th 2002
Insurrextion '02
London , England
May 4th 2002
WWF Live (Smackdown)
Sunrise , Florida
May 3rd 2002
WWF Live (Raw)
Birmingham , England
May 2nd 2002
WWF Live (Raw)
Glasgow , Scotland
May 1st 2002
WWF Live (Raw)
Cologne , North Rhine-Westphalia
Apr 30th 2002
Smackdown! Taping
Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
Apr 30th 2002
Jakked #140 Taping
Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania
Apr 29th 2002
Monday Night Raw
Buffalo , New York
Apr 29th 2002
Sunday Night Heat #197 Taping
Buffalo , New York