The Internet Wrestling Database

Richie Slade

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Richie Slade
Name: Richie Slade Preferred Name: Richie Slade
Date Of Birth: UnknownPlace of Birth: United States Detroit, Michigan, United States
Nationality: USAGender: Male
Matches: 76 (3 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Richie Slade, Ricky Slade, Slade

starRichie Slade during 2014

Year Search: All20122013201420152016201820202021
Matches Shown: 11 to 20 of 30 (firstprevnextlast) ... Results per page: 102550100250All ... Sort: newest firstoldest first ... Title Matches: Click to View
card/ datematchmatch typetitle(s)
United States EWF Empire Wrestling Federation
Aug 1st 2014
Richie Slade (c)def. Seville AlvarezEWF American Championship
United States EWF Fundraiser For Boys & Girls Club
Jul 19th 2014
Andy Brown & Mike Maze & Richie Sladedef. Brute Barreto & Jeremy Jaeger & Juan Roman6-person tag
United States EWF Beaumont Show
Jun 28th 2014
Richie Slade (c)def. The Viking WarriorEWF American Championship
United States EWF City of Industry Show
Jun 27th 2014
Richie Slade (c)def. Fidel BravoEWF American Championship
United States EWF Azusa Show
Jun 20th 2014
Richie Slade (c)def. Che CabreraEWF American Championship
United States EWF Covina Show
Jun 6th 2014
Richie Slade (c)def. Raccid NajjarEWF American Championship
United States EWF Covina Show
May 18th 2014
Richie Sladedef. Andy Brown (c)EWF American Championship
(title change)
United States EWF Azusa Show
May 16th 2014
Andy Brown (c)draw (time)Richie SladeEWF American Championship
United States EWF Empire Wrestling Federation
May 10th 2014
Richie Sladedef. Fidel Bravo
United States EWF 18th Year Anniversary Show - Day 1
May 2nd 2014
Tyshaun Princedef. Abu The Terrible, The Morongo Warrior, Andy Brown, The Viking Warrior, Dan Joseph, Brute Barreto, Rico Dynamite, Maravilla Dos, Eddie Mattson, Jacob Tarasso, Flecha Fugaz, Danny Ghost, Juan Roman, R.J. Ruiz, Killa Gorilla, Richie Slade, Jeremy Jaeger, Hudson Envy, Uday Ukleja, Joey Barone, Tony Raze, Sgt. Sanders, The Power Ninja, Dave The BruiserBattle Royal

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