The Internet Wrestling Database

Manny Lemons

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Manny Lemons
Name: Manny Smith Preferred Name: Manny Lemons
Date Of Birth: UnknownPlace of Birth: United States Kearns, Utah, United States
Nationality: USAGender: Male
Matches: 22 (2 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Manny Lemons, Manny Smith

starManny Lemons during 2020

Promotion Search: AllAEWGCWImpact WrestlingN/AOVWROH
Year Search: All201620172018202020212022
Matches Shown: 1 to 7 of 7 (firstprevnextlast) ... Results per page: 102550100250All ... Sort: newest firstoldest first ... Title Matches: Click to View
card/ datematchmatch typetitle(s)
United States OVW Saturday Night Special: Nightmare Cup 2020
Nov 7th 2020
Dustin Jacksondef. (pin)Manny Lemons & Tom Coffeyhandicap tag
United States OVW TV #1108 / Overdrive Taping
Nov 3rd 2020
Dimes & Jay Bradleydef. (pin)Manny Lemons & Spencer Slade
United States OVW TV #1106 / Overdrive Taping
Oct 20th 2020
Gustavodef. (pin)Manny Lemons
United States OVW TV #1103 / Overdrive Taping
Sep 29th 2020
Jessie Godderzdef. Amon, Atiba, Barry Koloff, Brian Pillman Jr., Brother Austin, Bruce Wayans, Cash Flo, Dimes, Dustin Jackson, Dustin Urich, Echo, Hy-Zaya, Jake Crist, Manny Lemons, Ryan Howe, Scrap Iron Lewis, Sinn Bodhi, Spencer Slade, Tom Chad, Tony GunnRumbleOVW National Heavyweight TItle
(title change)
United States OVW TV #1102 / Overdrive Taping
Sep 22nd 2020
Omar Amirdef. (pin)Haitian Sensation, Manny Lemonsthree-way
United States OVW TV #1100 / Overdrive Taping
Aug 18th 2020
Roman Rozelldef. (sub)Manny Lemons
United States OVW TV #1100 / Overdrive Taping
Aug 18th 2020
Gustavodef. (pin)Ashton Cove, Manny Lemons, Troy Coffeyfatal 4-way

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