The Internet Wrestling Database

Joey Ryan

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Joey Ryan
Name: Joseph Ryan Meehan Preferred Name: Joey Ryan
Date Of Birth: Nov 7th 1979Place of Birth: United States Los Angeles, California, United States
Nationality: USAGender: Male
Matches: 662 (23 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Captain Joystick, Chase Walker, El Gallinero I, Joey Blalock, Joey Hollywood, Joey Ryan,
Joseph P. Ryan, Ryan Rufio

starRey Mysterio Presents matches wrestled by Joey Ryan during 2007

Promotion Search: All2CWAAWAAW/Fight Club Pro/Wrestling RevolverAIWAJPW/BJW/DDT/K-DOJO/W-1Alpha-1APWAtomic WrestlingBar WrestlingBeyondBeyond/WWRBlack Label ProBTW (Cali)CHIKARACZWCZW/PWGDDTDEFYDREAMWAVEDWWEWFExpo LuchaF1RSTFCPFIPFreelance UndergroundFreelance WrestlingFreelance Wrestling/RPWFWEGCWGFWGlory ProHouse of HardcoreHouse of Hardcore/ImpactImpact WrestlingImpact/OVWIWA-MSIWA-MS/EPWIWA-MS/IWA Texas/ACWIWCIWFJAPWJCWKing of IndiesLimitlessLucha UndergroundMcAloon ProductionsMLWN/ANWAOTTPCWPrestigePWGPWG/wXwQueens of CombatRey Mysterio PresentsRing Ka KingRISEROHSmash (Canada)The CrashTNAUPWUWF (Carolina)UWF (Carolina)/MCWVPWVxSWCAWCPWWrestleCircusWrestleCircus/Wrestling RevolverWrestleConWrestleProWrestling Retribution ProjectWrestling RevolverWSUWSWWSXWWEWWNLivewXwXPW
Year Search: All20012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020
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