The Internet Wrestling Database

Hiroshi Hase

Profile & Match ListingFacts & StatsPWI RatingsOpponents & PartnersWin/Loss RecordStar RatingsWin TypesRelationsPPV
Hiroshi Hase
Name: Hiroshi Hase Preferred Name: Hiroshi Hase
Date Of Birth: May 4th 1961Place of Birth: Japan Oyabe, Toyama, Japan
Nationality: JPNGender: Male
Matches: 558 (19 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Hiro Hase, Hiroshi Hase

starWCW/NJPW matches wrestled by Hiroshi Hase

Year Search: All1987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620102017201820192021
Matches Shown: 1 to 5 of 5 (firstprevnextlast) ... Results per page: 102550100250All ... Sort: newest firstoldest first ... Title Matches: Click to View
card/ datematchmatch typetitle(s)
North Korea WCW/NJPW Collision In Korea (Day 2)
Apr 29th 1995
Rick Steiner & Scott Steinerdef. (pin)Hiro Hase & Kensuke Sasaki
North Korea WCW/NJPW Collision In Korea (Day 1)
Apr 28th 1995
Hiro Hasedef. (pin)Wild Pegasus
Japan WCW/NJPW Fantastic Story (Supershow III)
Jan 4th 1993
Stingdef. (pin)Hiro Hase
Japan WCW/NJPW Supershow II
Jan 4th 1992
Antonio Inokidef. (sub)Hiroshi Hasedark
Japan WCW/NJPW Supershow I
Mar 21st 1991
Rick Steiner & Scott Steinerdef. (pin)Hiro Hase & Kensuke SasakiIWGP World Tag Team Titles

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