The Internet Wrestling Database

Gringo Loco

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Gringo Loco
Name: Charles Santo Preferred Name: Gringo Loco
Date Of Birth: Jul 19th 1985Place of Birth: United States Chicago, Illinois, United States
Nationality: USAGender: Male
Matches: 451 (171 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Gringo Loco, Gringo Loko, Tyme Paige

starGCW/IWS matches wrestled by Gringo Loco during 2018

Promotion Search: AllAAAAAA/MLWAAWAEWAIWAlpha-1Aro LuchaBar WrestlingBlack Label ProBlack Label Pro/GCWBodyZoiDDTDEFYDEFY/DDTDEFY/DDT/TJPWDEFY/PROGRESSDPWDragon Gate USADREAMWAVEExpo LuchaF1RSTFREEDOMS/GCWFreelance UndergroundFreelance Underground/GCWFreelance WrestlingFreelance Wrestling/GCWFSW/GCWGCWGCW/DDTGCW/IWSGCW/JCW (NJ)GCW/LokoGCW/New SouthGCW/ROWGCW/TNTGlory ProHOGHOG/Wrestling RevolverImpact/Wrestling RevolverIndependent Wrestling ExpoIWA-MSIWTVJCW (NJ)Jim Crockett PromotionsMLWMystery WrestlingN/APROGRESSPROGRESS/NOAH/DEFYRepublic of LuchaROHRPWThe CrashWarrior WrestlingWest Coast ProWrestleConWrestleProWrestling RevolverwXw
Year Search: All200620072008201020122016201720182019202020212022
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