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Name: Azusa Kudo Preferred Name: Gosaku
Date Of Birth: Jul 10th 1976Place of Birth: Japan Kuroishi, Aomori, Japan
Nationality: JPNGender: Male
Matches: 43 (2 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Azusa Kudo, Biomonster DNA, Gosaku, Gosaku Goshogawara, Mr. Pogo II

starFMW matches wrestled by Gosaku during 1996

Promotion Search: AllAJPWBJWDDTFMWFMW/ECWFMW/Michinoku ProWMF
Year Search: All1994199519961998200120062018
Matches Shown: 1 to 3 of 3 (firstprevnextlast) ... Results per page: 102550100250All ... Sort: newest firstoldest first ... Title Matches: Click to View
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Japan FMW Summer Spectacular: Shiodome Legend
Aug 1st 1996
Hidodef. Gosaku Goshogawara, Halcon Negro, Hideki Hosaka, Hisakatsu Oya, Katsutoshi Niiyama, Ricky Fuji, Super Leather, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, The GladiatorBattle Royal
Japan FMW Imabari Show (May '96)
May 23rd 1996
Hideki Hosakadef. Gosaku Goshogawara
Japan FMW Tahara Show (May '96)
May 3rd 1996
Hisakatsu Oya & Horace Boulderdef. Gosaku Goshogawara & Katsutoshi Niiyama

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