The Internet Wrestling Database

El Mesias

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El Mesias
Name: Gilbert Cosme Preferred Name: El Mesias
Date Of Birth: May 24th 1976Place of Birth: Puerto Rico Bayamón, Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico
Nationality: PUEGender: Male
Matches: 248 (12 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Asesor Cibernetica, El Mesias, Gilbert El Boricua, Judas Mesias, King Muertes, Mil Muertes,
Muerte Cibernetica, Ricky Banderas, Ricky Banderas Mesias

starNacion Lucha Libre matches wrestled by El Mesias during 2011

Promotion Search: AllAAAAAA/AULLAAA/IWRGAAWCMLLDDTDTUECWExpo LuchaFCP/The CrashLucha UndergroundMcAloon ProductionsMLWMLW/The CrashN/ANacion Lucha LibrePCW ULTRAPDMQPWThe CrashTNAVxSWarrior WrestlingWrestle GateWrestleCadeWSXWWCWWF/IWA Puerto RicowXw
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