The Internet Wrestling Database

Davey-Boy Smith

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Davey-Boy Smith
Name: David Smith Preferred Name: Davey-Boy Smith
Date Of Birth: Nov 28th 1962Place of Birth: United Kingdom Golborne, England, United Kingdom
Nationality: ENGGender: Male
Matches: 661 (65 Pay Per View)
Date Of Death: May 18th 2002Cause of Death: heart failure
Place of Death: Canada Invermere, British Columbia, Canada 
Ring Name(s): Davey Boy Smith, Davey Boy Smith, The British Bulldog

starDavey-Boy Smith

Year Search: All198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000
Matches Shown: 1 to 10 of 661 (firstprevnextlast) ... Results per page: 102550100250All ... Sort: newest firstoldest first ... Title Matches: Click to View
card/ datematchmatch typetitle(s)
United States WWF Sunday Night Heat #96 Taping
May 23rd 2000
Eddie Guerrero (c)draw (DDQ)Davey Boy SmithWWF European Title
United States WWF Jakked #40 Taping
May 22nd 2000
Davey Boy Smithdef. (pin)Mideon
United States WWF Sunday Night Heat #95 Taping
May 16th 2000
The British Bulldogdef. (pin)Joey Abs
United States WWF Smackdown! Taping
May 9th 2000
Crash Hollydef. (pin)The British Bulldog (c)"hardcore"WWF Hardcore Title
(title change)
United States WWF Jakked #38 Taping
May 8th 2000
Davey Boy Smithdef. (pin)Mideondark
United Kingdom WWF Insurrextion '00
May 6th 2000
The British Bulldogdef. (pin)Crash Holly (c)"hardcore"WWF Hardcore Title
(title change)
United States WWF Monday Night Raw
Feb 21st 2000
Kurt Angle & The British Bulldogdef. (pin)Chris Jericho & Chyna
United States WWF Jakked #23 Taping
Jan 24th 2000
Davey Boy Smithdef. (pin)Julio Fantastico
United States WWF Royal Rumble '00
Jan 23rd 2000
The Rockdef. Al Snow, Big Boss Man, Bob Backlund, Bradshaw, Chris Jericho, Christian, Chyna, Crash Holly, D-Lo Brown, Edge, Faarooq, Gangrel, Grandmaster Sexay, Hardcore Holly, Kane, Mosh, Mr. Ass, Prince Albert, Rikishi, Road Dogg, Scotty 2 Hotty, Steve Blackman, Test, The Big Show, The British Bulldog, The Godfather, Val Venis, Viscera, X-Pac30-man Royal Rumble
United States WWF Smackdown! Taping
Jan 18th 2000
Al Snow & Steve Blackmandef. (pin)Kurt Angle & The British Bulldog

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