The Internet Wrestling Database

Brian Cage

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Brian Cage
Name: Brian Button Preferred Name: Brian Cage
Date Of Birth: Feb 2nd 1984Place of Birth: United States Chico, California, United States
Nationality: USAGender: Male
Matches: 753 (75 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Brian Cage, Brian Cage-Taylor, Cage, John Cage, Kris Logan, Muscles McGhee,
Night Claw, Terror Púrpura

starDREAMWAVE matches wrestled by Brian Cage during 2020

Promotion Search: AllAAAAAWAAW/Fight Club Pro/Wrestling RevolverAEWAEW/NJPWAIWAlpha-1APWBar WrestlingBattleground Championship WrestlingBCW/ImpactBeyondBTW (Cali)/ImpactCWECZWDEFYDragon Gate USADREAMWAVEDSWDWWEVOLVEExpo LuchaFCWFIPHOGHouse of HardcoreImpact WrestlingImpact/Lucha UndergroundImpact/OVWImpact/Rockstar ProImpact/TNTImpact/Wrestling RevolverIndependent Wrestling ExpoIWFJericho CruiseJericho Cruise/ROHKing of IndiesLimitlessLucha UndergroundN/ANOAHPCWPCW ULTRAPROGRESSPWGPWSQPWRepublic of LuchaRevProRey Mysterio PresentsROHSmash (Canada)The CrashThe Crash/RevoluchaTNAVPWVxSWarrior WrestlingWCAWrestleCadeWrestleCircusWrestleCircus/Wrestling RevolverWrestleConWrestleProWrestling Retribution ProjectWrestling RevolverWSWWWRwXwXPW
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