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Lex Luger

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Lex Luger
Name: Lawrence Wendell Pfohl Preferred Name: Lex Luger
Date Of Birth: Jun 2nd 1958Place of Birth: United States Buffalo, New York, United States
Nationality: USAGender: Male
Matches: 651 (88 Pay Per View)
Ring Name(s): Larry Luger, Lex Luger

starLex Luger

Year Search: All198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003
Matches Shown: 1 to 50 of 88 (firstprevnextlast) ... Results per page: 102550100250All ... Sort: newest firstoldest first ... Title Matches: Click to View
card/ datematchmatch typetitle(s)
United States NWA TNA Weekly PPV #70
Nov 12th 2003
A.J. Styles & Stingdef. (pin)Jeff Jarrett & Lex Luger
United Kingdom WWA The Retribution
Dec 6th 2002
Lex Lugerdef. (pin)StingWWA World Heavyweight Title
(title change)
United States WCW Greed
Mar 18th 2001
Chuck Palumbo (c) & Sean O'Haire (c)def. (pin)Lex Luger & Marcus BagwellWCW World Tag Team Titles
United States WCW SuperBrawl Revenge
Feb 18th 2001
Lex Luger & Marcus Bagwelldef. (pin)Brian Adamshandicap tag
United States WCW Sin
Jan 14th 2001
Buff Bagwell & Lex Lugerdef. (pin)Dwayne Bruce & Goldbergno disqualification tag
United States WCW StarrCade '00
Dec 17th 2000
Goldbergdef. (pin)Lex Luger
United States WCW Mayhem '00
Nov 26th 2000
Goldbergdef. (pin)Lex Luger
United States WCW Slamboree '00
May 7th 2000
Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Buff Bagwell
United States WCW Spring Stampede '00
Apr 16th 2000
Buff Bagwell & Shane Douglasdef. (pin)Lex Luger & Ric FlairWCW World Tag Team Titles
United States WCW Spring Stampede '00
Apr 16th 2000
Lex Luger & Ric Flairdef. (sub)Big Vito & Don Harris & Johnny The Bull & Ron Harrishandicap tag
United States WCW Uncensored '00
Mar 19th 2000
Stingdef. (pin)Lex Luger"Lumberjacks With Casts"
United States WCW SuperBrawl 2000
Feb 20th 2000
Hulk Hogandef. (pin)Lex Luger
United States WCW StarrCade '99
Dec 19th 1999
Stingdef. (DQ)Lex Luger
Canada WCW Mayhem '99
Nov 21st 1999
Mengdef. (pin)Lex Luger
United States WCW Halloween Havoc '99
Oct 24th 1999
Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Bret Hart
United States WCW Souled Out '99
Jan 17th 1999
Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Konnan
United States WCW World War 3 '98
Nov 22nd 1998
Kevin Nashdef. Alex Wright, Barry Darsow, Barry Horowitz, Bobby Blaze, Bobby Duncum, Jr., Bobby Eaton, Booker T., Buddy Lee Parker, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Chip Minton, Chris Adams, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Ciclope, Damien, Dean Malenko, Disco Inferno, Eddy Guerrero, El Dandy, Ernest Miller, Glacier, Hammer, Hector Garza, Horace Hogan, Johnny Swinger, Juventud Guerrera, Kanyon, Kaz Hayashi, Kendall Windham, Kenny Kaos, Kidman, Konnan, La Parka, Lenny Lane, Lex Luger, Lizmark, Jr., Lodi, Mike Enos, Norman Smiley, Perry Saturn, Prince Iaukea, Psicosis, Rey Misterio, Jr., Scott Hall, Scott Norton, Scott Putski, Scott Steiner, Scotty Riggs, Silver King, Steve McMichael, Stevie Ray, Super Calo, The Disciple, The Giant, The Renegade, Tokyo Magnum, Villano V, Vincent, Wrathbattle royale (3-ring, 60 person)
United States WCW Fall Brawl '98
Sep 13th 1998
Diamond Dallas Page & Roddy Piper & The Warriordef. (sub)Bret Hart & Hulk Hogan & Stevie Ray, Kevin Nash & Lex Luger & StingWarGames (3 vs. 3 vs. 3)
United States WCW Road Wild '98
Aug 8th 1998
Goldbergdef. (pin)Curt Hennig, Konnan, Lex Luger, Scott Hall, Scott Norton, Sting, The Giantbattle royale (8 man)
United States WCW L.A. Melee
Jul 10th 1998
Kevin Nash & Lex Lugerdef. (DQ)Bret Hart & The Giant
United States WCW Slamboree '98
May 17th 1998
Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Brian Adams
United States WCW Spring Stampede '98
Apr 19th 1998
Lex Luger & Rick Steinerdef. (sub)Buff Bagwell & Scott Steiner
United States WCW Uncensored '98
Mar 15th 1998
Lex Lugerdef. (pin)Scott Steiner
United States WCW SuperBrawl VIII
Feb 22nd 1998
Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Randy Savage
United States WCW Boston Brawl: Internet Event
Jan 31st 1998
Diamond Dallas Page & Larry Zbyszko & Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Kevin Nash & Randy Savage & Scott Hall6-person tag
United States WCW Souled Out '98
Jan 24th 1998
Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Randy Savage
United States WCW StarrCade '97
Dec 28th 1997
Buff Bagwelldef. (pin)Lex Luger
United States WCW World War 3 '97
Nov 23rd 1997
Scott Halldef. Alex Wright, Barry Darsow, Bobby Blaze, Booker T., Brad Armstrong, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Chris Adams, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Ciclope, Curt Hennig, Damien, Dean Malenko, Diamond Dallas Page, Disco Inferno, Eddy Guerrero, El Dandy, Ernest Miller, Fit Finlay, Glacier, Greg Valentine, Hector Garza, Hollywood Hogan, Hugh Morrus, Jim Duggan, John Nord, Johnny Grunge, Juventud Guerrera, Kendall Windham, La Parka, Lex Luger, Lizmark, Jr., Lord Steven Regal, Louie Spicolli, Marcus Bagwell, Meng, Mortis, Norman Smiley, Prince Iaukea, Randy Savage, Ray Traylor, Rey Misterio, Jr., Rick Steiner, Rocco Rock, Scott Steiner, Silver King, Squire David Taylor, Steve McMichael, Stevie Ray, Super Calo, The Barbarian, The Giant, The Renegade, Ultimo Dragon, Villano IV, Villano V, Vincent, Wrath, Yuji Nagatabattle royale (3-ring, 60 person)
United States WCW Halloween Havoc '97
Oct 26th 1997
Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Scott Hallreferee: Larry Zbyszko
United States WCW Fall Brawl '97
Sep 14th 1997
Diamond Dallas Page & Lex Lugerdef. (pin)Randy Savage & Scott Hallno disqualification tag
United States WCW Road Wild '97
Aug 9th 1997
Hollywood Hogandef. (pin)Lex Luger (c)WCW World Heavyweight Title
(title change)
United States WCW Bash At The Beach '97
Jul 13th 1997
Lex Luger & The Giantdef. (sub)Dennis Rodman & Hulk Hogan
United States WCW Spring Stampede '97
Apr 6th 1997
Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Booker T., Stevie Ray, The Giantfour corners
United States WCW Uncensored '97
Mar 16th 1997
Hulk Hogan & Kevin Nash & Randy Savage & Scott Halldef. (pin)Chris Benoit & Jeff Jarrett & Roddy Piper & Steve McMichael, Lex Luger & Scott Steiner & The Gianttriangle elimination tag (4 vs. 4 vs. 3)
United States WCW SuperBrawl VII
Feb 23rd 1997
Lex Luger & The Giantdef. (sub)Kevin Nash (c) & Scott Hall (c)WCW World Tag Team Titles
(title change)
United States WCW StarrCade '96
Dec 29th 1996
Lex Lugerdef. (pin)The Giant
United States WCW World War 3 '96
Nov 24th 1996
The Giantdef. Alex Wright, Arn Anderson, Big Bubba, Bobby Eaton, Booker T., Bunkhouse Buck, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho, Ciclope, David Taylor, Dean Malenko, Diamond Dallas Page, Disco Inferno, Eddy Guerrero, Galaxy, Hugh Morrus, Ice Train, Jack Boot, Jacques Rougeau, Jeff Jarrett, Jim Duggan, Jim Powers, Jimmy Graffiti, Joe Gomez, Johnny Grunge, Juventud Guerrera, Kenny Kaos, Kevin Nash, Kevin Sullivan, Konnan, La Parka, Lex Luger, Lord Steven Regal, Marcus Bagwell, Mark Starr, Meng, Michael Wallstreet, Mike Enos, Mr. JL, Pez Whatley, Pierre Ouellette, Prince Iaukea, Rey Misterio, Jr., Rick Steiner, Roadblock, Robbie Rage, Ron Studd, Scott Hall, Scott Norton, Scotty Riggs, Sgt. Craig Pittman, Steve McMichael, Stevie Ray, Syxx, The Barbarian, The Renegade, Tony Rumble, Ultimate Dragon, Villano IVbattle royale (3-ring, 60 person)
United States WCW Halloween Havoc '96
Oct 27th 1996
Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Arn Anderson
United States WCW Fall Brawl '96
Sep 15th 1996
Hollywood Hogan & Kevin Nash & nWo Sting & Scott Halldef. (sub)Arn Anderson & Lex Luger & Ric Flair & StingWarGames
United States WCW Hog Wild
Aug 10th 1996
Kevin Nash & Scott Halldef. (pin)Lex Luger & Sting
United States WCW Bash At The Beach '96
Jul 7th 1996
Hulk Hogan & Kevin Nash & Scott Halldraw (NC)Lex Luger & Randy Savage & Sting6-person tag
United States WCW The Great American Bash '96
Jun 16th 1996
The Giantdef. (pin)Lex LugerWCW World Heavyweight Title
United States WCW Slamboree '96
May 19th 1996
Booker T. & Road Warrior Animaldraw (DCO)Lex Luger & Road Warrior Hawk
United States WCW Uncensored '96
Mar 24th 1996
Hulk Hogan & Randy Savagedef. (pin)Arn Anderson & Kevin Sullivan & Lex Luger & Meng & Ric Flair & The Barbarian & The Ultimate Solution & Z-Gangsta"Tower Of Doom" cage (2 on 8)
United States WCW SuperBrawl VI
Feb 11th 1996
Lex Luger & Stingdraw (DDQ)Animal & Hawk
United States WCW SuperBrawl VI
Feb 11th 1996
Lex Luger & Stingdef. (pin)Booker T. & Stevie RayWCW World Tag Team Titles
United States WCW StarrCade '95
Dec 27th 1995
Ric Flairdef. (CO)Lex Luger, Stingtriangle
United States WCW StarrCade '95
Dec 27th 1995
Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Masa Chono
United States WCW World War 3 '95
Nov 26th 1995
Randy Savagedef. Alex Wright, Arn Anderson, Big Bubba Rogers, Big Train Bart, Bobby Eaton, Bobby Walker, Booker T., Brian Knobbs, Brian Pillman, Buddy Lee Parker, Bunkhouse Buck, Chris Benoit, Chris Kanyon, Cobra, Dave Sullivan, Diamond Dallas Page, Dick Slater, Disco Inferno, Eddy Guerrero, Fidel Sierra, Hugh Morrus, Hulk Hogan, James Earl Wright, Jerry Sags, Jim Duggan, Joey Maggs, Johnny B. Badd, Kensuke Sasaki, Kevin Sullivan, Kurasawa, Lex Luger, Lord Steven Regal, Marcus Bagwell, Mark Starr, Maxx Muscle, Meng, Mike Winner, Mr. JL, One Man Gang, Paul Orndorff, Pez Whatley, Ric Flair, Ricky Santana, Road Warrior Hawk, Scott Armstrong, Scott Norton, Scotty Riggs, Sgt. Craig Pittman, Shark, Squire David Taylor, Steve Armstrong, Stevie Ray, Sting, Super Assassin #1, Super Assassin #2, The Giant, The Yeti, V. K. Wallstreet, Zodiacbattle royale (3-ring, 60 person)WCW World Heavyweight Title
(title change)
United States WCW World War 3 '95
Nov 26th 1995
Lex Lugerdef. (sub)Randy Savage

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