The Internet Wrestling Database

Facts and Stats for Shingo Takagi

Profile & Match LisingFacts & StatsPWI RatingsOpponents & PartnersWin/Loss RecordStar RatingsWin TypesRelationsPPV

starTrained By

Trainer(s) Date of Birth Date of Death
Animal HamaguchiAug 31st 1947

starTrainer Of

Trainee(s) Date of Birth Date of Death
Big R ShimizuOct 26th 1992
Punch TominagaJul 29th 1986

starPPV Appearances

PPV matches PPV main events

starCard with Highest Claimed Attendance

date promotion initials / card name location claimed attendance
Sat, Jan 4th 2020 NJPW / Wrestle Kingdom 14 - Day 1 Tokyo Dome, Tokyo, Japan 40,008

starHall of Fame Entries

starHighest Wrestling Observer star rating(s)

Any match ratings below are from Dave Meltzer's highly respected Wrestling Observer Newsletter.
Date promotion initials / card name location observer rating
Tue, May 4th 2021 NJPW / Wrestling Dontaku 2021 - Day 2 Fukuoka International Center, Fukuoka, Japan ****** (6)


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